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Infant Fixation Sticks


4 in stock

New designs!
Pack of 3 double-sided fixation sticks with detailed and engaging images.

4 in stock


Our Infant Fixation Sticks are ideal for keeping a child’s attention during eye assessments. They are doubled-sided and made from plastic, for easy cleaning and reuse.

Each stick in the set of three contains four interesting pictures giving a child plenty to look at. There is lots of detail to talk about and look for, such as the colour of a balloon, how many ducks do you see, what does the elephant do etc. In addition, there are three rows of letters and reduced-size Kay Picture optotypes.

The sticks can be wiped clean with most cleaning solutions apart from solvent-based cleaners.


Dimensions: 15cm x3.5cm

Country of origin: CN


Weight 0.017 kg
Dimensions 15 × 3.5 × 0.3 cm


“Kay’s fixation sticks provide an excellent range of interesting scenes to keep children engaged.”
Alia Harrison, Senior Orthoptist

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