Specialising in Paediatric Vision Testing
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Pinhole Occluder


3 in stock

Hand-held, multi pinhole occluder

3 in stock


This black, plastic pinhole occluder has a concave 6cm circular cup with a cluster of 17 holes and a 15cm long handle. When held against the eye the cup shape gives 10mm of clearance away from the eye and lashes and the multiple pinholes mean that the patient can position the occluder for most comfort and best vision.

The pinholes provide a simple method to focus the light coming into the eye and differentiate reduced vision due to refractive errors, or another reason.
It can also be used in testing visual acuity in Mydriatic patients, as the pinhole will compensate for the inability to contract the pupil in a cycloplegic eye.

This occluder is made from strong, lightweight plastic moulded into a smooth, rounded shape to fit comfortably over the eye, with no sharp edges.

Clean with water or non-solvent cleaners.


Country of origin: CN


Weight 0.023 kg
Dimensions 24 × 6 × 0.5 cm

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