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Kay logMAR Standard Letter Three Metre Chart


25 in stock

ETDRS logMAR letter chart for three metre testing, conforming to international standards. Notation provided in LogMAR, VAR, Snellen and Decimal.

25 in stock

SKU: KLETCHART3M-KDR Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,


The Kay logMAR standard letter three metre chart follows the international standards for adult visual acuity testing, comprising 10 Sloan letters, as recommended in the ETDRS study, in a full chart of logMAR sizes 1.0 to -0.3.

The acuity sizes are displayed on the chart in LogMAR and VAR on the left of the chart and in Snellen and Decimal equivalents on the right.

The five letters in each row have been carefully chosen to provide the best testing display at each acuity size. Vertical and horizontal letter separation conforms to international standards.

The horizontal lines placed to aid both the tester and patient keep their place are set at useful sizes to indicate the start level of visual impairment indicator at 0.6, driving test standard at 0.3, and at 0.0 and -0.2 where the vertical spacing is close at these smaller sizes.

We include a hand-held copy of the chart for the examiner to check the answers, if necessary.

The chart has two holes and comes with a hanging cord, or it could be affixed with glue pads (not provided). Made from robust plastic, the chart is wipe-clean using soap and water.

Dimensions: 50cm x 50cm x 0.2cm

Country of origin: GB


Weight 0.450 kg
Dimensions 50 × 50 × 0.2 cm


This chart is for three metre testing distance. It can be used at other distances with an appropriate adjustment to the acuity score.
For example, if testing at 6 metres with our three metre chart, the notation must be changed as follows:

Snellen fraction:
Change the numerator figure from 3 to 6, so 3/6 size picture at three metres becomes 6/6 at 6 metres.

Take 0.3 from the score shown on the chart, so 0.3 Size at three metres becomes 0.0 size if tested at 6 metres.

Download our conversion chart.

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